About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Treasure Thursday

When I was young, a game that I use to love to play with my neighborhood friends was called hide and seek. I would love to go somewhere that I thought no one could find me. Once at that place, I would watch everyone run around trying to figure out where I had hidden. This would go on for several minutes. Eventually, someone would look in my favorite place and the game would be over.

Oh for those days of hide and seek. It was a game that could last mere seconds to countless minutes. To me, hide and seek was like a treasure. Once I ran to hide, I was hidden away from those who were suppose to find me. It was during that time that I would sit and think about how important it would be for my friends to find me and I loved it when they did.

Although those days have long since passed, I still think about those great hiding places that resembled the treasures of our youth. I can vision my hiding place to this day, it was a deep closet inside a bedroom that was big enough for me to fit into. It wasn't a closet for clothing, but one into the wall, deep enough for me to climb into! (Oh for those days of being able to fit into a closet....lol.)

The relationships I have had with friends over the years are certainly a treasure. Friendships are a place where love exists more than things, where love matters more than our titles, our jobs, and our possessions. Friendships make my treasure chest full!


Anonymous said...

This post brought back a fun memory. One day before my kids left for school, I had more trouble than I wanted at such an early hour. So, I hid from the kids. They never did find me. I did not tell them where my hiding place was until we had long since moved from that house.
Friendship-I definitely treasure yours. It was fun to have the grandkids play together today. Thanks for coming over.

La Dolce Vita with LeAnn said...

I still like to hide sometimes! The grandkids loved being at your house. Halie would like them to come to our house sometime. We don't have nearly as many fun toys.

Nina said...

When I see the photo on your page (taken during Book Club) my heart just gets so happy!