About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Moments

At the Artesian Well - July 16, 2007

Have you often thought about how many people you see in one day that you have never seen before? Every time I go to the mall, grocery store, Wal-Mart (class of it's own), movie..I see someone I have probably never seen before in my life. On a few occasions I run into someone I know and we have a nice visit, but for most of my shopping, errand runs, etc. I rarely have that happen.
Today I had my 2 of my grand kids with me. We made our plans for the day which included
* One load of laundry before 5:30 AM
* 4 loaves of Zucchini bread by 7:00 AM
* Bath time at 7:30 AM with a story read to them while bathing "But No Elephants"
* Breakfast - one wanted scrambled eggs, one wanted pancakes...they got what they wanted!
* Sesame Street - which I tried to make myself presentable for the day.
* Off to the grocery store to get the makings for stew for dinner. In the story "But No Elephants" Grandma Tildy was making stew. Yes, it is 100 degrees, but a slow cooker doesn't create that much heat in the house.
* To the library to get a grundle of books for the rest of the week.
* A trip with Ali to take the Colors of Success van to the district safe lot.
* Lunch on the run from KFC
* Artesian Well in North Ogden - which brings me back to running into people you know
I told Ali as we drove around the corner, "That looks like Nancy's grand kids." She said, "Why would Nancy's grand kids be at the well?" But sure enough there we were, there they were - Same Time / Same Place what a nice chance meeting.


Anonymous said...

Wow! cute kids! We did not get anywhere near as much accomplished this morning as you did.
After the fun duck, well, store, treat excursion, I took Boston home. Visited for a while, then left. I then passed my mother-going to BJ's, so I turned back, haven't seen or talked to her for 2 weeks. Mistake. As we were again leaving, she said, "see you this weekend at the family reunion". "Not me", I said. "One on one is fine, but don't do well with the whole family together". VERY awkward (SP) moment.

La Dolce Vita with LeAnn said...

You can click on the the pictures to make them bigger. Let me know which picks you want from Saturday, they are kinda numbered 1 -85. I'll get them printed.