About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

????Stress Free Mornings????

This year in our 3rd grade classroom we have tried to implement a few plans to make our day as stress free as possible. That means our morning routine can't sound like ~~ "Let's go! Let's go! Come on....you're going to miss the bus or I'm leaving.....right NOW!" I have suggested that the students each find a place in their home called an "On Deck Circle" (you see I'm a baseball fan!). In this place they have everything ready for the next day. The key to having a stress free morning routine is to also have a stress free bedtime routine. Routine meaning that you must have consistency, followed regularly, a standard procedure guide! Without the consistency you will have an uphill battle on your hands.

Here are a few tips that will help you to have a stress free morning:
1. Don't Yell....Raising your voice, even though you might be frustrated is only going to escalate the problem.

2. Early to bed, early to rise.... Pretty old wisdom that really works.

3. Showers and baths can be taken at night. Kids rarely have time in the morning to do this.

***4. Please look over all homework for completeness before bed; don't assume that it is finished. Check those backpacks! make sure there are no surprises "Oh, You need to sign this Mom!" or "I need (something) for a science project today!"

5. Children hear singular instructions not a whole list of things to do. So don't be tempted to say, "I want you to finish your homework, eat breakfast, get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and be in the car by 8:15" Honestly that will sound like ya-da-ya-da-ya-da Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.

6. Give instructions one time. If you're doing this routine, stop: "Matthew, it's time to get dressed." two minutes later, "Matthew, we're going to be late if you don't get dressed now." Two more minutes, "Matthew, buddy, I told you to get dressed." "Matthew, Mom is going to be late, now go get dressed." To a child you are saying, "Oh mom is good for asking about five more times before she really goes ballistic!" If you choose to repeat directions you are only sending the message that your child doesn't really have to do it now.

7. Set consequences and stick to your guns. Easier said than done even for the teacher! If you tell your child the car is leaving at 8:15 sharp, make it happen. Clearly you can't leave your child behind, so leaving without him isn't ever an option. Tell him you will be leaving, whether he is ready or not. Sending him to school with uncombed hair, pajamas, and no breakfast might be the start of a better day tomorrow.

Finally, you are the parent, you set the tone for the morning routine. You need to be actively involved in that routine. Follow the steps above and you will have "Joy in the Morning"....and time to read that book for yourself!

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