About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sentimental Sunday

sentimental_sunday[1] PerryMason1[1] copyOne of my childhood memories is of the many hours I spent watching black and white television with my grandmother. She had several favorites, but her allegiance was to Perry Mason. Nothing interrupted Perry Mason! Good Old Perry managed to get his clients off week after week. I know because we watched every episode. How he was able to convince the real criminal to confess was certainly very impressive….every single blasted time he tricked the guilty party into confessing right there on the witness stand or maybe from somewhere in the courtroom. I was always so astonished that he could figure out who done it every single time….and it was never his client --- who always looked so guilty! The cast of characters: Della ---his secretary (ahem-girlfriend) Paul Drake ---side kick office help(just like Festus from Gunsmoke) Hamilton Burger ---the prosecutor (never did like him much) and Lieutenant Tragg --- I always called him Lieutenant Dragg!

Gotta love memories from the good old days!

1 comment:

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Ah yes, I remember it well..I alwys wanted to grow up as pretty as Della Street :-)