About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Saturday, September 4, 2010

3 Months Today

Dear Family and Friends,

Hi, my name is Kendry...yes we have met...and I am three months old today. I have decided to take over my grandma's blog spot and post about myself because I have a lot to say! Grandma has been doing all the talking here for the last 3 months and I think it is about my turn...don't you?

I am now very busy...I kick my legs and wave my arms in the air constantly. Even in my sleep I move around. I push myself up on my arms and move my legs around but my mommy says I am way to little to crawl. My favorite trick it to pull myself up into a sitting position when I am in some one's lap---only babies lay around and I am convinced that I am big. Grandpa thinks I'm strong enough to stand up...Grandma tells him to stop! And how about all those pictures of me in costume? Wow...Mom and Grandma must miss their paper doll days! They are pretty dang cute if I do say so myself!

I also really, really want to eat food. I watch my mommy eat and practice chewing. My pediatrician said that I am gaining weight just fine and there is no need for cereal until I am six months old. I think that is now fair! I mean, I was only 12 lbs and 22 inches at my last checkup! Now I'm 14 lbs and 24 inches...that isn't off the charts so doesn't that mean I should be given food....that is my opinion anyway. I am still eating every three hours during the day and every four to six hours at night until they give in and try cereal. I may drink a lot of bottles then as well...I really like it!

I really like to sit in my bouncy seat and watch my mommy. She is pretty funny. I laugh at her every time she looks at me. I love her because, she gives me lots of kisses and of course, my food. I think my grandma is pretty funny too. She is my favorite person when I am sleepy. If I am fussy she puts me on her shoulder and I am out like a light!

I also really like the big bed in Grandma's guest room. I like to sleep on my side and I do not like that thing they call swaddling, haven't since I was 1 month old. Talk about torture but Grandma said that I sleep best when I am swaddled, so I am sure they will keep doing it! Grandma Geri made me 5 swaddling blankets just for that very reason! I also think it is very funny that they keep trying to put me in this sling and backpack thing. I scream my head off and get out of it really fast! Auntie Robyn made Mommy but it for me...Grandma said that I used it really well when we went to the big Airport...after all I was only 6 days old then, I really didn't know any better.

Baths are becoming lots of fun. I like to kick my legs and splash. I also blow bubbles and spit when the water gets in my mouth. Speaking of blowing bubbles, I have learned to do that with my drool. Pretty cool, huh? I think I might be teething, but they can't see any teeth yet, maybe I just have some dog genes in me somewhere. I am soaking everything with it. I also like to chew on everything that gets close to my mouth...especially my own hands which sometimes gag me! Then I make this really funny face!

The last thing I need to talk about is my family and friend relationships. Oh, MY! They are squishing me to pieces. I am always being hugged, squeezed, kissed, and sometimes even coughed on. Mommy and Grandma have learned to get over their anxiety that this will kill me and are much more laid back about everyone hacking in my face while giving me kisses. They figured my immune system is going to be pretty strong. After all I've been a very healthy baby!

Love and Kisses,

PS....I'm turning this back over to Grandma next month...this is way to much for work for a kid my age!

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