About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Am A Typist....always have been, always will be!

Again I’m waltzing down nostalgia lane, because it is Sentimental Sunday here at La Dolce Vita. I’ll tell you right up front that today ….I love my HP Computer Keyboard…..but as a young child I was totally in love with my Smith-Corona.

I loved the thing that went ding at the end. I liked the clacking of the keys, the old-fashioned printer’s-ink smell of the ribbon, and yes, the ding at the end, which meant I got to crank the handle to throw the carriage back for the next line to be typed.

My first typewriter was a Smith-Corona portable the manual one! In 1955 SMITH-CORONA made an electric office typewriter with features far ahead of competitors and I had one! In 1955….yes I was 5 years old and could already type, you see my dad was a business teacher and my mom was by far the best typist around. Thus…”vaul au” I could type at an amazing speed well over 100 WPM with no mistakes, not at age 5, but by the time I was in junior high. My speed has diminished to about 85 – 90 WPM but I still love the sound and feel of the key when my fingers brush across them, even on my fan-dangle HP keyboard. But boy do I miss that typewriter when I need to type just one envelope.


Annette and Scott said...

My Smith-Corona looked exactly like your photo...those were the good ol days for sure!! I still have a newer model typewriter for just those quick projects...like a single envelope!!

Nancy Mc said...

Yes, You are a great typist! I have missed you. We'll talk soon!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

That was ALWAYS on my Christmas "wish list" when I was a kid - didn't get one until I was married - then it was a "hand-me-down" - but it didn't matter - I loved it! Thanks for the memory :-)