About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Home Away from Home!

Thanks Mom for letting me vent here!

I was one of those....probably still am one of those.....Of course I'm one of those....BUT:

Before Kendry came along, I turned up my nose at the painful idea that my house would be taken over by my child. I would go into homes that had toys scattered from one end of to the other...and I would privately roll my eyes. My child would (never). He would be motivated by the same OCD freak force that controls his mother and he would never never never make such a mess. I even went so far as to tell my family and friends that all these parents had to do was tell their kids that toys belong in the playroom, not in every room in the house where guest can see them....and all personal property should be in your own bedroom!

I was a dreamer....still am a dreamer....

But...here comes Kendry into our lives with every inch of his cute little being, quivering with the pure joy of being alive. And, along with him comes his personal belongs that marched into our home very quickly. A swing appeared in the family room, a bouncy chair was by the swing, a beautiful car seat and stroller (Quatro Tour) and a Nap Nanny was on the floor, and OMG...a blowup bed soon emerged. I sleep on the floor because it works best for everyone in the house! Kendry sleeps in the Nap Nanny (yes, I know they are on recall...and no, I will not put it in the crib and let Kendry sleep there by himself....Kendry won't sleep by himself!)

Now suddenly, (MY???) carefully decorated and oh so scurbbed home is now a cargo space containing time bombs everywhere. It happened little by little...well over 12 weeks...within the blink of an eye. Soon we added rolling carts to hold diapers, blankets, burp clothes....the kitchen counter has formula and baby bottles.....you get the idea. Luckily my mom has just retired from teaching and has lots of storage bins!

Still this has left me dumbfounded! I stand in my mom's home, holding a beautiful seven week old Kendry, and wondered what has happened to my neat orderly life. It was somewhere in that moment that I surrendered to the fact that I was one of those parents....and I'm so happy to be one of them. I have now joined the league of the normalcy and I am so happy to be a mom even if (MY??) house will never look like a magazine again. Soon I will have to dismantle all my themed rooms: American Indian, The God Father Den, and all the Baseball stuff galore! OR will I.... because......

I realize that this is a minor problem and I know those of you who know me are laughing right this very moment....because all of this invasion has taken place in my mother's home....not mine! My home has a beautiful nursery, a well groomed living room, beautiful bathrooms and bedrooms... that Kendry and I can walk to within 30 seconds and leave all the necessities to Grandma and Grandpa! Thanks Mom and Dad....we love you!


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