About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Monday, October 4, 2010

4 Months Today

Here I am early Monday morning....4 months and look how I've grown. Grandma will be back with all the stat later this afternoon...we are on our way to see Dr. Nye for the 4 month check up. Look how happy I am right now.........we'll see what the day brings!
Weight: 15 lbs ( 53%ile)
Height: 24 3/4" (47%ile)
Head Circumference: 16 1/2" (41%ile)
The appointment went great, aside from the fact that we cannot go to 'well visit' and be at the office for less than two hours. Yes, this is very frustrating for us, and has had us contemplating is this really the place we want to be???

Kendry was in GREAT spirits for the first HOUR of our wait...in the waiting room... Then, with a minute shy of the doctor walking in, he started to get hungry, tired and fussy. So, of course, we spent the remainder of the appointment all talking over Kendry's cries while trying to calm him down. I don't know what questions the doc picked up from us, or how much information we retained from him. However, little man finally fell asleep, only to be woken back up about 15 minutes later with shots! Argh, so frustrating! But, overall...the appointment went well.

A few words from Kendry now:
I'm even more fun now than I was a month ago. I smile and coo regularly, and I'm starting to have whole "conversations" now. I love it when you say, "Ah-Ah-Ah-CHOO" and "SHOO... Stinky Feet." That makes me laugh out loud. I still love to lie out flat on Grandma's kitchen counter to get my diaper changed. Mommy thinks I'm just the cutest thing in the world, and I'm pretty sure everyone else agrees, because everywhere we go people say "Oh he is the cutest little baby!"

I'm also starting to like tummy time, and I really like looking at myself in a mirror. I don't know that it's me that I'm looking at, but I sure do like to talk to that other baby. He's one good looking little fellow - that's all I know. My favorite books are My Peek-a-Boo book and On The Night You Were Born....my grandma's cousin Judy sent it to us! Thank you cousin Judy!

If I can get my burp cloth on my arm just right, I'll play Peek-A-Boo with whoever is holding me. I'll bring the cloth up to my face while you say, "Where's Kendry?" and then bring it down, so you'll say, "There he is." Then I smile so big. I like it when Mommy sings "Where is Kendry" I also like "You are My Sunshine" when I'm trying to go to sleep.

Mommy says she's starting to think more about my future, and she's able to look ahead instead of living in so much fear. Mommy and Grandma both tend to worry a lot, but today the doctor said I was amazing...and doing perfect in every way. I tried to tell them to chill out, but they don't seem to really listen. Grandma is definitely a little bit of a control freak, but it's her only vice, so I try to cut her some slack. After all she has had a difficult month.....Grandpa made her really sad! He comes by often and plays with me for a little while! He said that he misses us.

Anyway, life just gets better and better, and everyone in our family feels so blessed to have me - living, thriving, enjoying my life. I feel pretty blessed too. I know God made this family just for me. And not only do I have a great family (that includes so many grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that love me so much), but I also have so many family friends out there loving me too. And I'm so thankful.
Love and Hugs to all of you,

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