About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Preview of Things to Come

It seems like a slow process – or does everyone just move in slow motion in the building world?   Daily drives have seen very little progress over the past week.  Supervisor told us they would be pouring foundation on Wednesday, and they would be ready for underground plumbing on Friday or Saturday.   Well here it is Saturday and what are they doing – just barely putting forms in place.  I talked to the crew asking, “Will the foundation be poured today?”  No No Maybe Monday – was their response.  I inform them the plumber will be there on Tuesday – their response – SORRY!   I said, “Not, Sorry!” with a forced bit of laughter!      foundation forms 1foundation forms 2foundation worker waving

foundation company truckcollage of foundation forms

Choices this week included adding a few updates to the cabinets.   I want the upper cupboards to have clear glass with lighting.  I will need a step ladder to get to them so I figure they might as well be nice display cases.  The picture is just what I gave to the cabinet guy to match as close as possible to what I am looking for. 

Kitchen cabinet ideas

We also got an idea of what our appliances will be…I’m excited about having a Fridge and Freezer that match and are next to each other.  No more running downstairs for freezer items.  


The gas range – is not the pro model that J & J now have – but I don’t cook nearly as much as they do!   So this will be my work stations for cooking


I’ll be back on site – Monday.   Hope the cement crew will be pouring and vibrating it in place.  

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