About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Thursday, April 7, 2011

National No Housework Day

Today is National No Housework Day! Really! Would I kid about something this important??
I'm rather disappointed. No, I'm really crushed. I had planned to clean house all day long, because DD is on Spring Break, which means CLM (cute little man) will be in her care today.   I knew it was going to take me all day long, that I'd barely have time to eat or even have bathroom breaks, but I was prepared. Now I can't do that. Oh, dear, what am I going to do now?

In case you think I'm kidding about this, I heard it on the early news and to verify it I went to: http://www.holidayinsights.com/other/nohouseworkday.htm. Here is what I learned ....

No Housework Day

When : Always April 7th

No Housework Day is your chance to do anything, except housework. Better still, have someone else do the chores for a day. Housework is a daily, seemingly endless and repetitive groups of tasks. It often goes unrecognized and worst of all..... taken for granted. But, watch out! If the dishes aren't done, or there's no clean towels, somebody takes note.

There's two ways to celebrate this day:

If you normally do the housework around the house, cease and desist for this day. Instead, kick back and enjoy the day. Relax and do anything, except housework.

If you are a spouse or significant other, do the housework for your mate. It gives her (or him) a break from the housework. And, you just might get an appreciation of how much work it takes to keep up the house.

Origin of No Housework Day:

Our research did not uncover a particular person who started this day, or when it was first celebrated.

We're pretty sure it originated by someone who was a wee bit tired of doing the daily chores, and just needed a day off. Most likely, they threw up their hands and said something like "That's it! I'm taking a day off from all of this work".

***Whoever the genius was who first created this day, I salute you!

Here are pictures of the work needing to be done around the house:  

P1080435 P1080432 P1080433 P1080434  

          Laundry …..                                                     Dishes in the sink….                                 Bathrooms to be cleaned…..                               Beds to be made!


         Come back tomorrow I promise I will get this CHAOS cleaned and share new and improved pictures with you!

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