About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Keeping It Safe

You can imagine, as a blogger, I live a LOT of my life online.  Visibly.  To strangers, as well as friends.  These days – so much is online, and once it’s out there, it’s out there.  That photo.  That status update.  That post.  But that’s a good thing.  That’s connecting.  It’s reaching out.  It’s making friends. It’s keeping family updated about what is happening. The convenience of sharing photos with friends (and non-friends) through social networking sites and blogs is undeniable.

Unfortunately, so are the dangers.Safe sharing online is a lot like safe sharing in real life – like, we don’t invite strangers to follow us home, at least I don’t!   

With all that said we are no longer going to post about the children here on the blog…it will become just my life!  I know could get boring…Oh Well…it’s my decision!  With love -


1 comment:

Nancy Mc said...

Well...I understand you must keep it safe. Sad what it has to come to...you get my drift?