About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Friday, January 3, 2014


I love spending time with friends, chasing Kendry, and cheering on Halie & Brevin’s soccer teams…..but I'm really a homebody at heart.  Too much out and about social-butterfly-ness throws me off balance a bit and …Things have been totally hectic around here for a couple of weeks, with Christmas and the New Year there’s an awful lot of planning and shopping, along with a sweet Little Man who doesn’t really care about any of it.  I’m so happy for him … his happy smiles, his quick little feet running through the house, and more energy than I will ever again have!

Relax 2014

Fortunately, today I found five (maybe 15 minutes) to relax with my cup of Chai Tea and my book club book for January…Looking forward to 2 more days before everyone goes back to work and the craziness starts again!

1 comment:

Nancy Mc said...

Love the picture. Enjoy your last few days before everyone goes back and the craziness starts again in a different way.