About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Friday, August 19, 2011

Welcome Home Mommy

Grandma Can Maybe Sleep Like A Baby Tonight

Why is this an expression?!  Sleeping like a baby does not connote a deep, peaceful slumber at our house.   Kendry is a toss and turn fitfully and in short spurts sleeper.   He still has got his days and nights confused.  He will go back to sleep if someone is right by him and he gets a drink of milk….if you’re not there…he’s out of the bed in minutes walking around the house looking for you! 

Grandma has been sleeping with him for 5 nights while mommy has been on a work retreat to Las Vegas!  So tonight grandma said she wants her room back. She wants to get ready for bed without tiptoeing around.  She wants to read in bed with the light on. She wants to watch a few minutes of TV before she hits the sack. She wants to be able to say goodnight to grandpa without having to SHHH him for being too loud. She wants to sleep at night without you thrashing around, putting your cute little feet in her side, or plopping your little head on top of her head!

Mommies turn tonight little man…if anyone out there in blog world has any suggestions for a good nights sleep, please let us know.  

No Judgey stuff, we aren’t going to let him cry himself to sleep….ask Uncle Jason how that one works!  He truly gets hysterical, which only makes things worse.  P1090209


1 comment:

Nancy Mc said...

I hope you got your good night sleep. My kids keep telling me we need 8 hours each night. I hope you figure out how to do that-I know I haven't.