About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oh No....It's the Junk Drawer

The junk drawer is home to unmade decisions, and I have way to many of them....it is destroying my Zen...........maybe I just don't have any Zen! Oh what a disappointment

Zentonym: [zen-tuh-nim] noun: Something which disturbs the Zen-like quality of ones surroundings, by emitting a loud noise or attitude, or by displaying a cool, unfriendly demeanor.

My junk drawer grows and grows until it eventually becomes a catch-all for everything in its vicinity. Before too long, one junk drawer overflows into another, and then I find myself going from drawer to drawer looking for a postage stamp. (Finally had to go to DH's office to get one yesterday!) It is unbelievable what I found in my Junk Drawer today....an old Sony Walkman, Spools of thread with needles in them, sealing wax (oh I love my sealing wax).....the stamp was even with it....how long has it been since I used that....! My very good scissors are actually in my junk drawer and they are even in their ceramic holder! Hmmm so many other treasures.....what's a girl to do? I’ve done the “dump and sort” thing before and it all comes back… I swear the clutter breeds or something! So I'm taking the attitude that "STOP FIGHTING IT......IT IS WHAT IT IS!"

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