1. The Buddy System:
Bring a Friend Don’t attend the function unless there is at least one other spouse there whom you have previously met and enjoy talking to. (Thank you Mary Clair and Debbie, Thank you Robin!)
2. Superiority Complex:
Have the best looking Husband in the Room
If possible, do what I did and: arrive with the best looking guy at the party. Lee and Gary are the other two gorgeous men in the room. (Also, stating here that Al, Lee and Gary are the hotties of the group will maybe get me some brownie points. Not that I need them you know! )
3. Safety in Numbers: Bond With the Other Spouses
They feel your pain. Lean on them.
4. Laugh a lot and act like you are totally enjoying the evening.
5. Take plenty of pictures…..
This will keep you busy and you won’t have to look like you have been totally abandoned and neglected while hubby is off mingling non stop!
40 years-WOW. Didn't know DH was that 'old'. Thanks for the tips. I will have to use them in the near future.
Hey you may have had the best looking husband, but remember he sure had the best looking wife by far.
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