About Me

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I would say that I am curious, vivacious, gregarious, sometimes funny, intelligent, easy going, very passionate about the things I love, caring, thoughtful, and kind. Maybe that is a little over the top, but I think you can count on me to be very honest. LOL

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

An Attempt At Being Crafty with Lavender!

My parent's backyard patch of lavender.
It is growing everywhere, comes up in the rock patio, lines the entire flowerbed....but why won't it grow for me?
My attempt at a Lavender Wand!

It was Lavender Day's in Mona, Utah this past weekend. My parents took my son, daughter-in-law and grandkids to the Young Living Farm last year and they loved it. This year everyone was to busy to make the trip, but I spent some time studying up on lavender. Jason has taken lots of pictures of the lavender patch growing in my parent's backyard, and I am very jealous that I just can't seem to make it grow.

I'm giving it another try, so today I bought English Lavender(Lavandula Violet Intrigue). This is supposedly the most hearty variety and grows well in Utah. I snatched a few stems after planting and made a lavender wand. My hands smell heavenly and and the aroma will soon fill my lingerie draw.


Anonymous said...

Well, you inspired me. i am off to find me my own lavendar plant. Not sure that I will attempt the wand, but what a fun idea. I know I can make sachets.

La Dolce Vita with LeAnn said...

Inspiration comes in so many ways. Blogging has given me new purposes. Valley Nursery is where I purchased my plants. My dad said they are just weeds, this sage brush and growing like it in his back yard. However, my blog inspired him too, he put a small tray with potting soil under his plants this morning to catch the seeds.