When you decide to chose a name for your son….do you look in a name book, choose a popular name, draw names from a hat? We are a baseball family and Kendry (Kendrys Morales) was the name that was chosen to give the Little Man! What an opportunity we had today to meet him in Salt Lake City.
Mike Brumley (First Base Coach Seattle Mariners) is a very close family friend……so when he knew they would be in town he called and so graciously hooked us up with not only tickets to the game, but also with the opportunity to meet Kendrys Morales.
Of course our picture happy little guy is not sure he wants to do this……..someday he’ll be glad he has pictures….even if he doesn’t act like it!
Okay……..Maybe I’ll like it in a minute!
The family baked in the sun and enjoyed snow cones, ice cream, and of course hot dogs!
It was a sold out crowd…….glad we could talk Jason into making the trip up!
Who would have thought 67 degrees felt like 100 today! So happy happy happy!
Mike Brumley…….there are no word to describe how kind, generous, thoughtful, and caring this man is! We love you Mike
Kendry spent an hour on Grandpa’s shoulders walking around the park! We were surprised at how well he did all through the game…without a nap!
The National Anthem was sung by Nathan Osmond…..along with a beautiful Bald Eagle!
See there that is what happens when you have an Eagle on the field!!!!!
What a wonderful surprise we received when we met Mr. Morales…….. He handed Ali an autographed bat which Kendry will cherish forever!
and Ever
And Ever
Thank you Kendrys Morales…….you are one nice guy! What an outstanding role model for game of baseball!
Of course….after dinner we had our own backyard game of HIT THE BALL OVER THE FENCE!